"We are living in a time when mastering change is probably the most important thing that leaders can help their organisations do."
Rosabeth Moss Kanter  
We help organisations master the significant changes they are facing. We take an integrated approach to managing change as we believe this makes change happen and then, as importantly, stick. Our clients appreciate the extent to which we understand their problems and help them develop practicable and sustainable solutions.
You can get a feel for our work on change management by looking at these projects:

Hewlett Packard
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
NHS Trust
Sustainable organisational change happens when the following dimensions are aligned and developed in balance
  making sense of the strategic context
  defining a compelling picture of the future which engages people's hearts and minds
  shaping and deploying strategies and objectives to make the vision become a reality
  optimising the business processes which develop and deliver services and products
  ensuring the management processes that provide direction, support and challenge for staff are robust and aligned
  creating a culture in which individuals and teams want to, can, and do deliver excellent results
  ensuring people have the skills to be successful
  ensuring the organisational structure supports people doing what needs to be done

Our 7-step process helps leaders navigate their way through organisational change. The process is descriptive and is supported by frameworks and a toolkit for leaders’ use to anticipate problems and guide their actions.

Change Management :: Relay Consultants. Elearning Consultants.
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