Making Change Happen™
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Total support to managers and change agents leading their business and people through significant change.
"...My confidence is up - I have new tools, and know I can make the right steps! I had time to focus on the change in hand and now know how to move on!"

"...the programme has made it possible for me to move from 'make it up as I go along' to a structured and proven approach to change management"

"...I realised that there was a much bigger picture, and can now make sense of it. There are fundamental changes that I can make to my approach that will make the difference".

A two-day programme using a 7-step Process for Leading and Managing Change. The programme focuses on both the 'hard' business decisions and the 'soft' people issues in a uniquely integrated way.
Participant profile: Managers at all levels who are implementing changes in their organisations. Also, Human Resource professionals who are supporting managers and their organisations through change.

Individual benefits: Accompanying each of the 7-steps of the change process is a wealth of practical tools, questionnaires and frameworks. These provide total support to managers and other internal change agents who are leading their business and their people through significant change.

Organisation benefits: Making Change Happen™ provides a common framework and language for all managers. The programme focuses on both the 'hard' business decisions and the 'soft' people issues. It's uniquely integrated approach tackles both the positive and the painful aspects of change. This programme complements all existing change methodologies (e.g. TQM, BPR etc).

Programme coverage:
The programme uses participants' 'real time' change projects as material for practising
  the use of tool-kits and frameworks provided.
Developing appropriate change strategies by balancing business priorities, technical
  strengths and social awareness.
Coaching the organisation to overcome it's own resistances.
Identifying and influencing key players in projects.
Emphasis is placed on the manager's own self-development during periods of change.
accompanying each of the 7-steps of the change process is a wealth of practical tools
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Making change happen, Accelerating change, Getting ideas accepted, Gaining acceptance for new ideas, How to Move new ideas forward, Getting people onboard with new ideas, How to gain support for ideas, Gaining support for ideas, How to drive through change, Overcoming resistance to change, Resistance to change, Overcoming organisational resistance to change, Organisational resistance to change, Influencing process, Influencing in organizations, Influence, Influencing, Influencing skills, Influencing behaviour, Influencing my boss, e-learning, elearning, training, courses, programmes, elearning course, elearning training, CD, elearning CD, training courses, training CD, influencing elearning, elearning solutions, elearning providers, e-learning, elarning, elearning work, elearning providors

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