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Minimum System Requirement
Operating System Windows 95/98/NT4/2000/ME/XP
CPU Intel Pentium 400Mhz
Screen Display 16 bit colour
Hard Drive Space 30MB
Audio Sound Card
Other Loudspeakers or headphones


1. How can I get help installing and using NetWorks for You™?
  If you are unable to resolve your problem via these FAQ's then send an e-mail outlining your question to help@relayc.demon.co.uk.
2. How much hard drive space do I need to install NetWorks for You™?
  The program only requires 30Mb of disk space to operate. None of the media files, video etc, are copied to your hard drive unless you specifically do this.
3. How does NetWorks for You™ affect my system?
NetWorks for You™ is a non-invasive installation. NetWorks for You™:
does not make any writes to the registry unless the user separately installs the
alternative (backup) video driver that we include on the CD.
has restricted C: drive and OS access
is not browser-based, so does not have the issues associated with plugins
only uses activeX as the video player control which is normally part of Windows
does not use Java
4. Where should I install NetWorks for You™?
  Set-up installs NetWorks for You™ in the folder: "C:\Program Files\Relay Consultants\NetWorks For You." This is the recommended default. Set-up allows you to choose to install the program in another location if you wish.
5. I am getting a kernal error when I try to install NetWorks for You™?
  All software requires administrator authority for installation. Normally this is set at the PC user level. In some organizations, however, the distributed hardware of the computer infrastructure is locked down i.e. individual users are not able to install software locally. This means that to install the software you will need to ask your IT administrator to make the installation. In some environments where data security is critical, eg defence organisations, it may not be possible to install the software without model office testing. This may be considered to be possible if you are in individual user rather than a user within a broader corporate purchase for multiple users.
6. I have tried to install NetWorks for You™, and all appeared to be fine, but when I went to start it there was no menu item for the programme.
  This is the same issue as (4) above, but with some systems no erro message is given. If you are unable to resolve your problem via these FAQ's then send an e-mail outlining your question to help@relayc.demon.co.uk.
7. I want to remove NetWorks for You™ from my computer what do I do?
  NetWorks for You™ is removed by running the install programme and selecting the uninstall option. Click Start, then Run.., then click Browse… on the Run dialog box. Select the drive the NetWorks for You™ CD is by clicking on the 'Look in…' drop down menu. You will see the NetWorks for You™ files displayed, one of which is called Setup.exe. Double click on this and the Run dialog box will re-appear with the file setup.exe shown in the open box. Click OK. You will then be asked 'Do you want to completely remove the selected application and all of its components?' Click OK and NetWorks for You™ will be removed.
8. The video is playing, but is choppy, or not well synchronised. Or, I have tried to install NetWorks for You™, and all appeared to be fine, but when I went to start it there was no menu item for the programme.
8.1  Confirm your video driver is working properly by loading Windows Media Player and playing a NetWorks for You™ video file.
a. Click Start, then select Programs, then Accessories, then Entertainment, then Windows Media Player
b. Click File, Open then click on Browse… and select the drive containing your NetWorks for You™ CD
c. Open the Media directory and open the file named 'NFY_1.avi' by double clicking on it and then clicking 'OK' when the file shows as the selected file in the Open dialog box. The video should now run.
8.2  If the video does not run properly in Windows Media Player - download or try another video driver contained on the NetWorks for You™ CD:
a. Click the iv5setup.exe to download the driver now, or
b. Click Start, then select Programs, then select Windows Explorer.
c. Select the drive containing your NetWorks for You™ CD.
d. Open the Media directory and double click on a file called 'iv5setup'. Your computer will now start installing this video driver. When prompted click the button to select a 'Typical' installation. It may tell you it is going to over-write existing files, cl ick 'OK' if you get this prompt.
e. Restart your machine again as instructed.
9. Some of the screen layout does not seem to fit properly e.g. bullets running off the page, text not fitting in boxes, etc. What do I do?
  This is likely to be a text-sizing problem. Some users have screens set to Large Size Fonts. NetWorks for You™ uses a small font size setting for the screen. To change this follow the procedure below:
a. Go to the Control panel (either via Start, Control Panel, or Start, Settings, Control Panel depending on which version of Windows you are using).
b. Double-click on the Display icon.
c. Click on the Settings tab (what appears here depends on your hardware)
d. Look for a setting that defines the Display Font Size. This will be set to either:

Large Fonts or Small Fonts. NOTE: these settings may only be accessible if you click a button labelled "Advanced" (again this depends on the version of Windows).
e. If Small Fonts is not selected then select this.
f. Look at the DPI setting. It will be either 96 or 120. It should be set to 96 DPI.
g. Please email us the current settings.
h. Change the setting(s) to Small Fonts and/or 96DPI
i. Click OK


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