E-learning version of a programme commissioned by Hewlett Packard for managers and lead technical staff

Phil Morris - HR & Operations Director - STMicroelectronics
In knowledge based organisations, great ideas often fail because the innovator is not connected. Successful knowledge-based companies have abandoned hierarchical management. This increases empowerment and productivity, but it can often leave people unsure about how they drive through change or gain acceptance of a new idea. Relay's e-learning programme, NetWorks For You™, helps staff understand how they can navigate through today's complex organisations. It gives them strategies and a tool kit to help them connect into the organisation and show them how to gain support for their ideas and innovations.

Philip Turner - Technical Consultant - Hewlett Packard

If you are in any role where you are trying to move new ideas forward or influence your organisation's direction, then the time spent working through this course is very well spent. It was easily worth many times what I paid for it!
NFY clearly demonstrates a proven method of getting your ideas accepted in a way that engineers and scientists so often miss. I also didn't have to sell my soul to be successful using this process! It clearly highlights the pitfalls that you can see in your own organisation, including the false starts that occur because not everyone is on board with ideas. It shows that being right is not enough, especially if there is no support for your idea. I feel that it was eight hours well spent, and feel better placed to herd the cats in my organisation! It has nothing to do with computer networks and everything to do with moving your ideas forward!

Alasdair Atkinson - Product Director - Optos Plc.

Overall I think it is a superb training course that equips individuals with a practical approach to coping with and managing the people dynamics that can occur in a company. Very impressive. The mixture of Audio/Visual presentation with text works well to educate the audience on the important points. The influencing process is superb - well grounded in very practical steps that can be taken immediately. I particularly like the approach to mapping the political landscape - very thought provoking.

Andy Brannon - Vice-President Sales - Symbian

This is outstanding stuff - it significantly enhances organisational effectiveness. It's totally engaging and practical. Just what's needed to help think through ideas and move them forward. - better preparation, deeper understanding of the issues, clearer communication, and stronger solutions and organisational alignment. This is first class business education and fantastic value!

Programme Manager - Aerospace Industry
This is a brilliant programme!

Katrina Stephens, Managing Director, Transformational Consultancy
Networks for You™ is packed with useful insights, strategies and methodologies which are practical and implementable immediately. It is well structured with practical exercises that build into a powerful process for influencing. I was very impressed by the varied media and methods used to engage the learner. You really can, in just a few hours, completely change your influencing approach and be well equipped to significantly increase your chances of success.

Di Askwith - Senior Manager - Home Office
Networks for You™ made me think about how I operate in my work-based social and political networks and helped me to learn how to make the best of them - for both myself and my organisation. The e-learning method enabled me to tailor the learning to my needs and was great value for money.

Esther Cameron, Author "Making Sense of Change Management"
Change Management Consultant and Lecturer at Bristol University

In today's fluid organisations and jobs market-place, people need to pay attention to building strong networks - this is how things happen. Getting new jobs, getting new ideas up and running, being in the picture rather than on the side-lines. These demand a strong network, demand a sense of timing - when to push ahead, when to pause, demands good management of the key relationships. NetWorks for You™ is not run of the mill e-learning. This is sophisticated stuff - sophisticated concepts are brought across simply and graspably using a nice rich mix of activities. NetWorks for You™ is a great tool for people to use to work on ideas that will take considerable influencing to get approval. It's absolutely great value! I will be using this with my clients' .

Project Manager, Allied Domecq
These days organisational structures are pretty changeable. Quarterly changes of one form or another are not unusual. The only way to cope with this quickly and effectively is via your network. I found the networks analysis, the thinking about networking, and then working with it as a conscious strategy, incredibly useful. This is an excellent programme and set of practical tools.

Finance Manager, Allied Domecq
As an experienced manager I have done a lot of professional development work over the years. Of all of this, NetWorks for You™ has had most impact. It has really helped me to adjust my approach and thinking to best fit the situation - I now, more often than not, make the right moves to take my ideas forward. Using the 7-step influencing phases has been a major change in my approach and has made the difference.



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What users say about our elearning programmes, following are the comments of our existing elearning customers, Getting ideas accepted, Gaining acceptance for new ideas, How to Move new ideas forward, Getting people onboard with new ideas, How to gain support for ideas, Gaining support for ideas, How to drive through change, Overcoming resistance to change, what existing users say, what our clients say. Resistance to change, Overcoming organisational resistance to change, Organisational resistance to change, Influencing process, Power of networks, Informal communication, Influencing approaches, Ideas into action, Personal power, Becoming more influential, e-learning, elearning, training, courses, programmes, elearning course, elearning training, CD, elearning CD, training courses, training CD, influencing elearning, elearning solutions, elearning providers, e-learning, elarning, elearning work, elearning providors

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