"Leadership is about creating and communicating purpose and direction, seeing new possibilities and bringing these about, and it's about building better organisations for now and the future."
Alex Clark
Relay are experts at researching, designing and delivering world-class management and leadership development programmes. Click on the references below to read about some of the work we have delivered.

Hewlett Packard
We can design and deliver fully integrated leadership development programmes. Or, we can simply deliver a single programme. Whatever we do, our programmes:
  engage people
  provide powerful processes, skills, and new ways of thinking
  focus on live issues, and
  deliver tangible business results.
Relay's expertise with managing overall programmes lies in the areas of:
  understanding needs and providing frameworks that make sense of the whole
  achieving true integration between discrete courses (our own and third parties)
  facilitating the direct application of learning
  providing overall and individual local measures of success that demonstrate ROI at the individual and business level
Relay's course-level expertise lies in the areas of: Leadership Development, Management Development, Change Management, Influencing, Project Management, Individual Performance Management, High Performance Teamwork, Consulting Skills and Conflict Management.
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Management and leadership development, Influencing change, Making change happen, Accelerating change, Getting ideas accepted, Gaining acceptance for new ideas, How to Move new ideas forward, Getting people onboard with new ideas, How to gain support for ideas, Gaining support for ideas, How to drive through change, Overcoming resistance to change, Organisational Power, Personal power, Handling Politics and power in organizations, Organisational politics, Networking in organizations, Organisational networking, Network of colleagues, Informal networks, Networks of people, e-learning, elearning, training, courses, programmes, elearning course, elearning training, CD, elearning CD, training courses, training CD, influencing elearning, elearning solutions, elearning providers, e-learning, elarning, elearning work, elearning providors

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