Networks For You™
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build your influence - make it count
"...I learnt how to use my network to support my projects, using more than my immediate skills"

"...the 7-Step Process will really help me to get changes in divisional practice"

" excellent course providing me with a formal influencing process and an explicit rather than implicit way of using networks"

A two-day programme enabling individuals to recognise, develop and employ their influence in large, complex organisations.
Participant profile: An individual contributor or manager working within a complex organisational environment, wanting to influence significant change.

Individual benefits: Participants will learn to use their personal networks skillfully in order to focus their thinking and accelerate decision-making.

Organisation benefits: Individuals will develop a strategy to increase their power and influence in managing key relationships. Deploying this strategy they will accelerate decision-making.

Programme coverage:
Organisational Politics and Power - their implications, how to work with them.
The role of networks in influencing successful outcomes.
Development, management and use of personal networks for most impact.
7-Step Influencing Process - a rich tool-kit for effectively planning and taking ideas forward
Operating Principles - attitudes and behaviours that help you think and act effectively.
360o feedback - from your peers and manager about your influencing approach and
  core skills.
individuals will develop a strategy to increase their power and influence in managing key relationships.
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