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It's easy to 'talk the talk', but you can better judge what we can do, if you read about us 'walking the talk'. Here are some of the clients who have retained us, projects we have undertaken, changes we have made. Also read our client references to hear directly from the 'horses mouth'.
Hewlett Packard - Change Management
Change management for world-wide business information technology implementation
Hewlett Packard - Management and Leadership Development
Development and delivery of numerous training programmes from senior through to first level managers.
STMicroelectronics - Culture Change
Development and implementation of a performance management process
STMicroelectronics - Management and Leadership Development
Design and delivery of an integrated Technical Leadership programme
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children - Change Management
Change management support for a hospital-wide cultural change programme
HEWLETT PACKARD - Inkjet Printer Organisation
(Ireland, Singapore, USA, Puerto Rico

Change Management for world-wide SAP Implementation. In 1998 Hewlett Packard made a decision to implement SAP across its worldwide Inkjet Printer Group. SAP is a fully integrated business information system, it is an enabler for operational excellence. It allows real-time, like-for-like comparisons in performance across different sites world-wide.

HP's Inkjet SAP project delivered a fully joined-up management information system, for all aspects of business information, across five geographies, for a multi-billion dollar business.

Implementing SAP necessitates massive organisational and cultural change. Relay has been HP's Change Management partner throughout the whole of the worldwide implementation. This has involved working with top managers through to operational staff to uncover areas of resistance and working through these in all sites. All work was cross-functional in nature
Synergy sessions - aligning the organisation's leadership to communicate a clear focus for
  the change
Creating and enabling MOC (Management of Change) teams to lead the changes
Coaching and mentoring to provide support throughout the actual implementation phase
The new integrated system has had a significant impact on the businesses results.

Hewlett Packard - various divisions within HP

Development and delivery of numerous training programmes senior through to first level managers.
Over the past twelve years Relay Consultants have been commissioned by Hewlett Packard to develop and deliver a number of management development programmes. For each of these programmes we conducted extensive needs analyses with the target audience. All design work was highly collaborative with the client and delivery was often made in partnership with lead managers. Making Change Happen™ was the first programme developed, this was deployed across senior and middle manager population of the UK Sales Region and has also been used extensively in US divisions. We then developed and delivered an integrated performance management programme to all managers in HP's start-up inkjet printer manufacturing operation in Dublin. This was part of a deliberate strategy by senior managers to shape the culture of their start-up operation. This work provided the starting point for the Actively Managing Performance™ programme we later developed and delivered for STMicroelectronics. We were then asked to develop two programmes for the Bristol site - NetWorks for You™ and Consulting for Success™. Both programmes have subsequently been used extensively in both classroom training and hands-on consulting mode across many of our clients and projects. The NetWorks for You™ training programme has provided the intellectual property for our new e-learning programme. See our Programmes section for overviews of all our products.

STMicroelectronics - Culture change
Development and implementation of a performance management process

STMicroelectronics is the world's largest supplier of silicon chips for set-top boxes. Relay Consultants devised and implemented a performance management system for STMicroelectronics' Advanced Research and Development Centre in Bristol (the centre responsible for the design and development of the set-top box silicon chips).

We worked with STM's top team to ensure the design addressed the existing business issues, and enabled the development of the desired culture (better business decisions, stronger research and development focus, and highly motivated people to deliver world-class products).

The Actively Managing Performance™ programme provided the basis for workshops for 120 managers at all levels. This workshop gained commitment to a new way of working and ensured that business focused objective setting, handling One-to-One's with staff to gain alignment, and delivering constructive feedback skills became core competencies for managers.

We subsequently worked with the top team to monitor and evaluate the progress of this performance management initiative. Two years later ST's HR and Operations Director said this new way of working has become "organisational habit-life".
STMicroelectronics - Management and Leadership Development
Design and delivery of an integrated technical leadership programme

We have worked for five years with STMicroelectronics, focusing on developing the ability of their middle and first level project managers to work more effectively in and across the organisation. This programme was born out of the strategic need for the business to move away from large projects with long time-frames (many years) to small customer driven projects that are delivered fast (9-12 months).

This project involved diagnosing key issues and designing and rolling out an integrated and applied technical leadership programme. The programme runs over 9 months and individuals work through this period on applying new skills and knowledge to problems they face in their projects. The programme works in the areas of Business Strategy, Project Management, Team Leadership and Individual Leadership. We both designed and delivered modules, and integrated world class courses into the programme.

All technical leaders use a 360o feedback process, and personal style diagnostic to stimulate objectives for the 9 month programme. One-to-One coaching and small group action learning sets were used to help apply learning to actual business problems. Typically these relationships continue well beyond the end of the formal programme.

Each programme is assessed by senior business managers for return on investment. It is considered to have been a significant contributor to the strategic success of the business, and development of a new culture over the past five years.

Interesting Fact:
In a recent leadership study of 350 leading companies conducted by Warren Bennis and Linkage International, 73% of companies asked put Action Learning at the top of the list when asked what contributed most to the success of their leadership development programmes. See Linkage Inc's Best Practices in Leadership.
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children - Change Management
Change management support for a hospital-wide cultural change programme
Great Ormond Street Hospital offers the widest range of paediatric specialties in the UK. It is world renowned for its leadership in research, clinical care, and teaching. In 2002/2003 Great Ormond Street Hospital underwent a major structural re-organisation as part of it's response to continuously improving its services to meet the needs of children and families better. The structural changes were designed to support the need for a more integrated approach to service delivery. Structural change only goes so far, and it was clear that additional work needed to be done to help GOSH realise the ambitions of its Board. It was accepted that there were lots of good things about the existing culture, but also aspects they were less proud of, and that were getting in the way. Relay were asked to help GOSH develop the organisation for the future. We are working with the Executive, Management Board and wider organisation to help them:
develop and articulate the longer term vision for the future
define the organisational values and culture that would underpin this vision
identify ways of managing and working together that would support effective service
  delivery and the realisation of the vision and values.
establish and empower a cross-organisational team that could effectively lead the
  cultural changes and integrate the various positive organisational initiatives going on
  across the hospital.
This work is ongoing.
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