Actively Managing Performance™
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"...a clearer and tighter approach to managing my people. It's a positive process and absolutely business focused."
"...It seems obvious once you've done this programme, but I would never have thought about things this way before. It is clear what I need to do.
An excellent investment of my time."
"...I've always shied away from giving negative feedback. This process really makes a difference. I can keep people on track now with constructive feedback - little and often. No big surprises (shocks!) anymore."

This programme provides managers with the processes, skills and ways of thinking that will help them to maximise the contribution of their people to the business.
Participant profile: Actively Managing Performance™ has been designed for people-managers at all levels.

Individual benefits: Participants will develop their ability to focus and manage individual performance through a regular, constructive, 1-1 process.

Organisation benefits: AMP™ designs and establishes a blueprint for best practice throughout the organisation. It ensures that managers and staff achieve, and maintain, a shared understanding about what needs to be done, and how things are going, throughout the year.
It will ensure:
Alignment between business goals and what individuals are delivering.

Focus on managing individual performance as a process rather than as a one-off event (appraisal), or reactively (when things go wrong!).
The opportunities for individual success are maximised.
Programme coverage:
Performance management as an ongoing process and its role in business success.
Detailed 360° feedback on how you are currently managing performance.
Establishing ground-rules that define expectations and ways of working together.
Setting and managing against objectives as a real-time process.
Giving constructive and developmental feedback.
Managing a 1-1 session.
the confidence and competence to enable performance management
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